Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL) has new provisions coming into effect on July 1st, 2017. When the legislation was introduced in 2014 it drastically changed how companies could communicate with their customers. These changes were made in order to help reduce the amount of SPAM that Canadians get as well as protecting them from security threats.
What is the change?
The last part of the legislation of it comes into effect on July 1, 2017. Meaning that you must have had a business relationship in the last 2 years for implied consent. Since 2014, when the law was introduced, you were allowed to send commercial email to anyone whom you had a business relationship with. Now the limit will be imposed unless you get have express consent from the receiver.
Email Marketing is still useful
Targeted email marketing is still a very useful sales tool for all businesses – and it’s within reach for everyone. You need to make sure that your messages meet the proper provisions set out in CASL. Ensure that you get the proper consents and track them. Focus on high quality, low volume content that targets what your customers are looking for.
Tech Ally can help with email marketing, CRM, and anything else that your business struggles with. Get in touch to learn more!

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